Building Immunity with Herbs

In this video I will be exploring the idea of "herd immunity" using proactive immune-boosting strategies and herbal protocols from my practice and from renowned herbalist, Stephen Buhner's latest publication on the pandemic.


To read Stephen's full paper of COVID-19/SARS-2, visit his website: 

 Stephen's Preventative Strategy is as follows:

1. Boost Immunity with a Pre-Infection Immune Tincture Formula

  • Eleuthrococcus senticosus - 2 parts

  • Astragalus membranaceus - 2 parts

  • Cordyceps sinensis - 1 part

  • Rhodiola rosea - 1 part

  • Glycyrrhiza glabra - 1 part (or sub Ganoderma (reishi) if you have high blood pressure)

    Dosage - 1 tsp 3x a day

2. Systemic Anti-Inflammatory

  • Mangifera indica (standardized to 60% mangiferin) - available at Take 1-3 capsules of 200 mg 3x a day.

  • Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) -tincture - take 1 tsp 3x a day

3. Anti-coagulant to prevent clotting

  •  L-Malic Acid - 600 mg daily

4. Fibrinolytic to prevent scarring of lung and heart tissue

  • Lumbrokinase - 1 capsule in am and pm

  • Nattokinase - 1 capsule in am and and pm 

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