"Do Plants Dance?"Exploring the Rhythm of Growth: The Interplay of Music, Creativity, and Nature

In this episode, we explore the fascinating intersection of dance, music, and connectivity within the realms of plants and humans. Join Ashley as she recounts her recent trip to Las Vegas, where she experienced an extraordinary three-night performance by one of her favorite bands. Through the collective dance and music experience, she gained profound insights that she now shares. Ashley connects these personal revelations to scientific research on plant growth and physiology, presenting a compelling argument that plants, much like humans, respond to music and exhibit their own form of dance. Discover how the rhythms of life, shared by both plants and people, foster growth and harmony in unexpected ways.

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Q&A: Why Is Life So Hard? With Guest The Hardcore Therapist Sarah Rossington


Herb of the Month: Bee Balm/Monarda fistulosa